Therapeutic Chakra Yoga Terms

I am aware and acknowledge that yoga, fitness, and exercise (the “Activities”) pose a risk of injury. I will give my highest attention to my own well-being. I understand that if I move with care, intelligence, applied safety and self-awareness, then injury is unlikely. I further understand that participation in these online classes could lead to death, serious neck and spinal injuries, paralysis, permanent disability, illness, and the injury of bones, ligaments, and muscles.

I voluntarily agree to participate in the Activities and hereby accept and assume all such risks, known and unknown, and assume all responsibility for the losses, costs and/or damages following such injury, disability, paralysis or death, even if caused, in whole or part, by the negligence of Tree Ring Yoga, LLC DBA Kinley’s Lane, and any and each of their respective successors, assigns, affiliates, shareholders, officers, directors, managers, agents, attorneys, employees, instructors, teachers, and facilitators (collectively, “Released Parties”), with the exception of willful or gross negligence. I understand the nature of the Activities and my experience and capabilities, and I agree to participate in these Activities.

In consideration of my participation online, whether live or pre-recorded, with Tree Ring Yoga LLC DBA Kinley's Lane, I agree to forever release, discharge and acquit Tree Ring Yoga LLC DBA Kinley's Lane, and any and each of their respective successors, assigns, affiliates, shareholders, officers, directors, managers, agents, attorneys, employees, instructors, teachers, and facilitators from all claims for damages or injuries of any kind, nature or description resulting from inherent yoga, fitness, and exercise related activities. This release includes, but is not limited to these types of injuries. This release shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors, assigns and personal representatives. All efforts will be made to ensure the safety of all participants.

I understand any physical exercise can be strenuous and subject to risk of serious injury, I understand that I should obtain a physical examination from a medical professional before using any exercise equipment or participating in any exercise activity. I agree that if I engage in any physical exercise or activity, I do so entirely at my own risk.

This waiver and release of liability includes, without limitation, all injuries which may occur as a result of: 1) my use of all my personal equipment at home and my participation in any activity, class, course, program, personal training or instruction;, 2) the sudden and unforeseen malfunctioning of any of my own personal equipment; 3) instruction, training, supervision, or dietary recommendations given by Tree Ring Yoga, LLC DBA Kinley’s Lane; 4) my slipping and/or falling while in the building, or on the premises, including adjacent sidewalks and parking areas; 5) contact with other participants; 6) the effects of the weather, and all other such risks being known and appreciated by me.

I hereby acknowledge my responsibility in communicating any physical and psychological concerns that might conflict with participation in Activities. I acknowledge that I am physically and mentally capable of performing the physical Activities I choose to participate in. I understand that yoga is unlike any other exercise program. I agree that if I experience any discomfort that I will stop movement immediately and consult a medical professional. I also understand that I must have, and will continue to provide proper hospitalization, health and accidental insurance coverage for myself. In the event of any accident, I hereby release Tree Ring Yoga, LLC DBA Kinley’s Lane and any and each of their respective successors, assigns, affiliates, shareholders, officers, directors, managers, agents, attorneys, employees, instructors, teachers, and facilitators.

I understand that this waiver is intended to be as broad and as inclusive as permitted by the laws of the state of Utah and agree that if any portion is held invalid, the remainder of the waiver will continue in full legal force and effect.

I agree and accept to not compete with Tree Ring Yoga LLC DBA Kinley's Lane in any manner- lesson plans, instructional material, or knowledge acquired from training or consulting with Tree Ring Yoga LLC DBA Kinley's Lane. I agree that I will not copy or use any curriculum, vocabulary, training, teaching materials, etc. presented in any online course, whether live or pre-recorded, at, or from Tree Ring Yoga, LLC DBA Kinley’s Lane and any and each of their respective successors, assigns, affiliates, shareholders, officers, directors, managers, agents, attorneys, employees, instructors, teachers, and facilitators.

I affirm that I am of legal age and am freely accepting this agreement, which is binding on me, my heirs, and on those who may claim by or through me. I agree to the terms of this agreement voluntarily, and have full capacity to enter into this agreement.